
What's the difference between IPv4 and IPv6?

What's the difference between IPv4 and IPv6?

All devices connected to the Internet are assigned a unique identifier. This identifier, called an IP address is a numerical label that allows other devices to find it. For instance, your home address most probably looks like this:…

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Why and How to Leverage ASN data?

Why and How to Leverage ASN data?

An Autonomous Systems Number (ASN) is a unique number assigned to an Autonomous System (AS). ASN data is stored by Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). Usually, this data is used to look up where to route traffic to the correct network, for instance with the BGP protocol. However, ASN data also provides valuable information that is used to identify the organization controlling a set of IP addresses…

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How to Detect Tor Users with Ease?

How to Detect Tor Users with Ease?

The Onion Routing (Tor) is an open-source solution to enable anonymous communications. For instance, you can use it to anonymize your Internet traffic. Many journalists and political activists use Tor to avoid being prosecuted. Unfortunately, anonymity also means Tor is used for illicit activities. Here we discuss how the Tor network behaves, how Tor users can be detected, and when it makes sense to filter Tor activities…

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